Daily Planner Blog

Best Daily Planner for Productivity: Achieve Your Goals and Stay Organized

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running against the clock, juggling a million tasks, yet ending the day feeling unproductive? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Many people struggle with time management and staying focused.

I used to be a chronic procrastinator, constantly putting things off and feeling stressed. Then, I discovered the power of daily planning. It completely transformed my productivity, helping me achieve my goals, from launching my own business to thriving in a full-time job. That’s why we created our Daily Planner: to help others experience the same transformation.

Let’s explore how we can unlock our full potential with our Daily Planner!

Why Our Daily Planner is the Best for Productivity & Organization

Many people don’t know much about the benefits of using a daily planner. It doesn’t just help you organize your day and manage your time better. It also helps to reduce stress, improve learning and memory and promote mindfulness.

If you’re a beginner to the entire act of using a planner, whether a digital or paper one, a daily planner is a good choice here. It’s a simple way to get into the routine of planning your day one by one.

Here’s how our Daily Planner can help you! It’s a pre-designed daily planner with all the sections you need to plan your day. The design is very simple and functional, so you won’t feel too overwhelmed.

The Daily Planner consists of two pages per day. The left page is pre-sectioned for you, saving you time and effort creating daily schedules and sections. The right page is a blank lined page for you to use freely.

See what our Daily Planner includes and how you can efficiently use it to plan your day:

Yearly Calendar

We included a simple two-page yearly calendar to help you visualize your entire year. Highlight important dates, write notes or reminders for yourself, and stay ahead of deadlines.

Schedule Section

The schedule section is located on the left page of our planner. It is a simple lined box designed to help you organize meetings, appointments, and daily events.

We recommend writing down the name of the appointment and its allocated time. This will help you plan your day accordingly. Tip: Write only your most important appointments. For example, if you go to work every day from 9 to 5, you don’t need to write it down to avoid clutter and overwhelm.

To-Do List

What’s a daily planner without a to-do? We included an area for your to-do list so you can write down your most important tasks of the day.

You’ll find the first three lines of the to-do list section marked with stars. This is to remind you to write your most important tasks on these lines to help you prioritize what’s important.

“Remember that the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80-20 Rule, says that 20% of your effort tends to produce 80% of your results, so prioritizing efficiently is a must.” ― Brian Tracy

Water Intake Tracker

How much water do you drink a day? Not enough, right?

That’s why we included a simple water intake tracker. Just color in the cups as you drink throughout the day! A simple reminder for those who forget to drink water like me. I know, you’re welcome!

Daily Expenses

“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” ― Benjamin Franklin.

I wish someone had told me this before I started working and earning my own money.  It’s easy to think those little treats don’t cost much and won’t hurt your wallet. But the truth is, when you indulge frequently without tracking your spending, those small expenses add up and can significantly impact your monthly budget.

That’s why we included a simple daily expense tracker in our planner. We didn’t want to overwhelm you, so we’ve provided space to write your daily expense goal and then record what you actually spent.

The key is to set a realistic daily spending goal each morning and try your best to stay within that budget.

Habit Tracker

We designed our Daily Planner with space for three habits for a very specific reason: behavior change research shows that focusing on a small number of habits is the most effective way to create lasting change. Experts like Dr. BJ Fogg at Stanford University, known for his Tiny Habits program, recommend starting with no more than three tiny habits at a time.  

Instead of trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle at once, our planner encourages you to concentrate your energy on building just three key habits, allowing you to make real progress and see tangible results without feeling discouraged.

Notes & Ideas Section

This section is perfect for jotting down any notes, ideas, reflections, or even productivity insights. Customize it however you like!

Blank, Lined Page

We decided to include a blank lined page for you to use creatively.  This is your space to journal, write new ideas, doodle, and write freely.

Daily Quotes

We’re finally here to talk about my favorite part of our Daily Planner, the daily quotes. We worked really hard to gather 89 quotes that inspired us, our friends, and family in their lives.

The quotes for this daily planner focus on productivity, time management, planning, creating healthy habits, and more. We hope that these quotes motivate you to do your best and be happy every day.

How to Make Our Daily Planner Work for You

Yes, our Daily Planner is pre-sectioned and designed for you. However, you need to make it your own to use it effectively and get the most out of the experience.

Here are some tips to get the most out of your planner:

Highlight & Color Code

Using highlighters or different colored pens will truly transform your planning experience. For example, you can use a red pen to write down tasks for work. Or you can highlight yellow for vacation days on your yearly calendar. This makes it easy to visualize your plan.

Make It a Routine

Set aside 5-10 minutes each morning or evening to plan your day. When you’re planning, have a cup of coffee, tea, or a snack. You can even put some light music on to get you in the mood.

I like to do it in the morning, once I get to my office, with a cup of tea. It has become a routine that motivates me to start my day.

Use a Pen You Like

There’s something about using a particular pen or pencil for my planner. The moment I touch this specific pen I realize that it’s time to work. Also, it’s good to figure out what pens work best for the type of paper used so it doesn’t bleed through pages.

Sticky Notes

Sticky notes are your best friend. They’re handy to write down any extra notes, thoughts, or ideas that come to your mind. You can also easily move them around without cluttering your planner.

Get the Best Daily Planner for Productivity Today!

The Three Plannerz Daily Planner is more than just a tool; it’s your companion on the path to a more productive, balanced, and fulfilling life. We believe that everyone deserves the chance to unlock their full potential, and we’re confident that our planner can help you do just that.

Ready to take control of your day and achieve your dreams? Get your Daily Planner today and join our community of planners!